Friday, April 27, 2012

Wants and Kneads

It's okay to Want.  In fact, it's essential to Want.

Wanting keeps us keeps us Dreaming.   Most importantly, it keeps us Living in the moment and for the future.

Whether it be craving my Sweet Dream or True Love...or even both combined.   This is a lesson I am trying to learn.  But, I'm here to tell you, it's a challenge.

When you want means it matters.  And when it matters, it has the potential to bring you either great joy or great sadness.  There's not a whole lot of grey in between.

Sometimes you hit a ceiling - where the Dreaming ends when you awaken.  You float back down to your comfort zone, hide beneath the blankets and just go back to sleep.  But the Dreaming needs to continue when you're awake.  Those are the Dreams that actually come true:  your Conscious Dreams.

Fear becomes our Coat of Armor - protecting us from what may harm us.  Yet, at the same time, it shields us from what could make us Great.  Terrified of actually getting what we've Wanted all along - for Losing it would outweigh anything we might have Gained.

And the feeling of Euphoria when it's just within your grip - becomes nearly indiscernible from Panic.  That's when the self-sabotage begins.  Over time, the stakes get even higher and the trepidation goes up a notch.  And that little girl inside of me...goes running for cover as fast as she can.

It's the risks, however, that reap the greatest rewards.  We know this.  We just ignore the sage advice.

So WANT...WANT a lot.  The more you want, the more you will get.  The key is to fear not the outcome.  The key is to envision it just the way you've always dreamed.

Dreams can come true....if you'll only let them.

Sweet Dreams, 

"Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future" - Deepak Chopra

"I will witness the sensation of fear by feeling it and then I will take the courageous step to do the very thing I fear.  I will not fight my ego, I will witness it." - Deepak Chopra

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