Sunday, July 17, 2011

InnCouraging News

Sometimes things don't happen as succinctly as we'd like them to happen.  I have been playing phone tag with one of the Innkeepers I'd contacted and would have to persist without appearing to be a pest.  In the same waiting period, I received a very warm email back from the Owner of a different Inn.  She would be out of town until next week but encouraged me to call her then. This was great!!!  In revisiting her Inn's website I found the title for this one of her tabs is "InnCourage".  So thank you, Kathy, for already inspiring me from afar.

My deadline for my one month list was essentially yesterday.  Oops.   But I remain Inncouraged by the people I would speak to this week and by the work I would surely accomplish.

I am giving myself permission to extend my deadline by a few days (as if I have a choice, eek).  I may have packed a little too much in to that initial List considering my travel schedule and visiting guests.  I am anxious to complete those tasks, but I've been very active socially as of late and it's no doubt impeded my progress - of the Laundry List that is.  However, not all Progress can be written down in Black and White.

Truth is, creating this Sweet Life in my mind and in my heart is molding me into someone I haven't known for a while.  I am changed...for the better.  My soul is lighter, my smile is wider and my eyes are brighter.  Gone is the frustration or resentment of the past.  Gone are the fears of where my life will lead me.  I am more balanced on the whole.

And so while my diligence has been less than perfect, it is Perfect in it's own way. So what if my tasks get done a few days long as the days weren't wasted.  And they weren't.  They've led me to wonderful memories and happy moments I may not have enjoyed as much before.  It's also allowed me to create those same things for others...and that is the very thing that makes me the absolute happiest.  In fact, it's why I journeyed down this path in the first place.

Steeped in laughter and love with Family and Friends over these past few weeks, I now undoubtedly own memories I wouldn't give up for anything in the world.  Priceless photos, funny intrinsic appreciation for how very blessed I really am.  All the outcome of taking time to Live my Future Life in the present tense.   Yet those moments, now in the very recent past, will forever warm my heart and serve as my Inn-spiration to follow my Dream.  Doing so, makes me feel good and centered.  Both good things.

The point is it really isn't just about the destination, it's about the path you take to get there.  There's a lot of sight seeing to do as you wind down that road...and you don't want to miss life's hidden gifts by focusing too hard on the finish line.  I witness and feel too many beautiful things around me now to not stop and admire them for a while.  They are what keeps me smiling.

Sweet Dreams, 

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." - Robert Brault

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