Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Clean-Up on Aisle ME

You know how you have those days where nothing...and I mean NOTHING seems to be going right?  Oh yeh, you know.  I'm sure of it.

Well...Your's Truly welcomed one of those Doozies into my life just yesterday.  And I mean it when I say welcomed.  I attracted negativity.   It took hold of me and then created more.  Like a tornado, my emotions spun me into a tizzy - until I had the wherewithal to stop it in it's tracks.

It can be done.

The day began like any other...but seemingly spoiled with one hurdle followed by another.  It wasn't the day that turned sour...it was the attitude with which I approached it.  As my life coach, Steve Truitt, would say:  "You can't always control what happens to you, but you can control how you react."

Instead of coming from a place of Acceptance and Tranquility - a zone where Love takes the lead, I allowed one thing to set off another and forgot all about my Sweet Dream.

You see, my Sweet Dream isn't just about completing a project.  It's about completing Me.  It's a state of mind.  

When you take Love out of the plan, the very foundation weakens and in one fell swoop it can all just fall apart.

Before the day unraveled into a complete and utter mess...I realized that the little annoyances that were getting under my skin weren't worth losing my cool.  And losing my cool would only serve to put my personal growth on Ice.

And that's not a path I choose to take.

Sweet Dreams, 

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens." - Kahlil Gibran


  1. I am soooo inspired. "not completing a project its about TRYING to complete me"..to the best of your ability! This blogs makes me rethink you and me. YOU are my heroin. Lets come from love, except for when someone takes our brush;0))) I LOVE YOU

  2. Fantastic post, I am so proud of you! You are not only growing, you're inspiring others - and that's the key! Have a great Thanksgiving!


  3. Very inspiring. They say you can never truly write a song unless you write it for someone else to sing. When you cook and care for others and give yourself completely you grow in ways unmeasured. Keep going!
