Christmas is less than three weeks away...and if my Tanenbaum were not there to remind me, I might think it untrue.
Time is surely flying. It seems like only yesterday when I was patting myself on the back for all I'd accomplished in just a few short months with regard to my Sweet Dream. I was full-steam ahead and now suddenly, I'm looking at the calendar wondering where the days have gone.
I've had some unexpected food on my plate, as we all do from time to time. It's easy to lose balance, though, when certain portions of your Life sneakily tip the scales to outweigh other things. Sometimes it's good to find a Distraction from your get you back on Track.
Time to re-focus my energy. Let that be my goal for 2012.
You can't predict the Future, that much we know. But there's nothing wrong with having an idea of how you'd like it to look. That said, we can choose the way we live the Present...and that's the Power each of us holds. For me, that means balancing my wants versus my needs in a way that makes sense - while still being True to Myself.
First and foremost, though, I've got to take stock of what is Real and what is Not; peeling back the layers to find what lay beneath the surface. Only time will tell if what's there is worth its weight. Until then, there is no rush...and perhaps slowing down is the order of day.
If what's there is of any value, it will remain. Just don't put all your eggs in one basket...until you're certain they're not cracked.
On the one hand, you want to examine them carefully...for sometimes that hairline fracture can lead to nothing but a mess. On the other hand, shouldn't we be able to buy the carton, no questions asked - with a blind faith that everything is in tact?
However, that's not Realistic. So all you can do is make choices with your heart. If it makes your ticker sing, then abide by the music. If not, it's time to find a new song. Life is too short to spend it sitting backstage or belting out lame lyrics.
On the one hand, you want to examine them carefully...for sometimes that hairline fracture can lead to nothing but a mess. On the other hand, shouldn't we be able to buy the carton, no questions asked - with a blind faith that everything is in tact?
However, that's not Realistic. So all you can do is make choices with your heart. If it makes your ticker sing, then abide by the music. If not, it's time to find a new song. Life is too short to spend it sitting backstage or belting out lame lyrics.
Unfortunately, not all of Life's Recipes come with a Cookbook and step-by-step instructions. Too bad. Right about now, I'm sure some of us could use one.
In the meantime, I'll try to digest what I am being fed without tossing my cookies.
Sweet Dreams,
"Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. 'Pooh!' he whispered. 'Yes, Piglet?' 'Nothing,' said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. 'I just wanted to be sure of you." - A.A. Milne
You cannot predict the future but you can direct it. You can will anything to happen by having total commitment and focus to the goal. It may not stick if you lose focus or funding later but you can get there. Keep going.