Talk about falling off the proverbial wagon. I haven't come to my written safe haven for some time now. And to be honest, the wheels may be coming off a bit. You see, it's here... where I can sprawl out my thoughts in black and white - and find my clarity. I find "me".
The last several months have been full of happiness and love...with some sprinkles of stress and upset. But that's a fact of life, now isn't it? Nothing goes unfettered for too long. It's all about Piecing it Back Together.
And so here I am to find my peace again. To remind myself and all of you - that Acceptance is hallmark to any situation. Accepting that which we cannot change, changing what we can and as the Serenity Prayer goes... possessing the wisdom to know the difference.
When you are a doer, as I am, you seek resolution to everything. You are resourceful and can think or find all possible options to fix a problem. We forget sometimes though, that not everything can be changed. Sometimes we just need to Accept things as they are...even if they create a stir inside us that cannot be quelled.
The next step in such a quandary is to understand that we cannot Control it all. And that's the hard part. The challenge lies not in realizing we can't control things - but in controlling ourselves once we Accept that fact. Finding peace within ourselves is a must.
I've failed miserably at this lately. And while I give myself credit for the things I have endured...I must also acknowledge the things I need to work on.
It's hard work. It's a challenge not to fall back into patterns of old. Issuing repeated self-reminders to keep previous patterns at bay is a constant battle. Even when we've gotten so comfortable in our new way of being...that we think we have it all under "control"... our flawed ways can Come Back to Bite Us.
No one is perfect. We know this. Yet making such mistakes can be scary. Fearful that one false move can change things for the worse. It's at times like these we must remember, even the missteps are STEPS in the right direction. Sometimes they forge a new path and sometimes they make us that much stronger in the position we are already in. Throughout it all, we seek that sanctuary - where we realize we cannot change the world... but we can change who we are in it and how we handle life's curve balls.
Big picture: It's the growing pains that lead us to panic. Eventually that panic subsides. It just takes time.
So take a Deep breath. It's all going to work out - exactly as it should. Just "Be Still", I say to the little girl inside me who is champing at the bit to go run and hide. Be still...
Sweet Dreams,
Me xo
"All great changes are preceded by chaos." - Deepak Chopra
That was beautiful!