Friday, December 2, 2011

Tucked Away Uphill

This was the first real vacation time I've had in a while.  And it was much needed.

I chose to spend part of it in one of the places where I'm considering building my Sweet Dream.  And the other half in a place that always serves to Inn-spire me....a spectacular Mountain Hideaway. 

The initial stop made me feel right at Home.  Surrounded by people I love and all the things I'm familiar with.  It reminded me of the reasons why, as a friend once told me, this would be the Prime Place to plan my future.  

The Past meeting the Present, introducing Possibilities...

The second leg of the trip took me to Ski Country.  This part was only Me.  No friends around me...just Unknown Faces and stunning views.  

I'm not much of a loner, but with every breath I took I felt nature's embrace. From the smell of fresh cut wood burning in the fireplace to the sight of snow-covered hillsides - it was as though I had arms wrapped around me all the while.  

My room was lovely...made even better by a great bottle of Red on a cold winter's night.  It was quiet time...while all other things remained in the dark.

This was my solace.  Albeit here alone,  in a way it was like I had someone very special keeping me company the whole time.   A faraway friend sitting right beside me.

It's a Gift - this ambiance of warmth.  And one I hope to return.

Sweet Dreams, 

"The light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there." - Ellie Rodriguez

1 comment:

  1. Past and present together. You should know that you are never really alone. Keep the images of both places and take the best of your memories to build upon your future.
