Friday, December 9, 2011

All Inn

No matter how much we try to plan out our lives...the Blueprint isn't always accurate.  Sometimes it takes a second or third draft to get things just right.  And typically...we change our minds several times along the way.  

Without fail, those changes cost something.  But more often than not, the end result turns out to be much more satisfying.

It's hard to know the real Scope of Work, until you're already too far into your Project to turn back.  That project, being YOU.  So all you can do is make revisions, fine tuning things as you go.

Even one degree of difference can change the entire course of one's life.

As I contemplate my Sweet Dream...mapping out all the things that need to fall into place - I realize throughout my life, I've put this pressure on myself to be or do something in some set amount of time.  As though, not beating the clock represented failure.  I was unknowingly pressured by the Status Quo.

Things are different now.  In dreaming up the Sweetest of Dreams, I've found a Peace inside.  A Knowing...that everything is just as it should be.  I reflect back on the many outcomes my Life could have had thus far - and somehow none of them makes any sense.  None of them seems right.

Here I am...not where I expected to be...but exactly where I want to be.  Finally, I've found my place in this world.  Although my destination remains unclear, I can't imagine being anywhere else.  

With everything I've experienced, of course, there are some things I would like to Forget...but nothing that I truly Regret.   Had what some would call mistakes or misfortunes not path would have led me elsewhere.  To a different place, with other people and other Possibilities.

So, life doesn't always go as Planned.  Maybe we should thank our Lucky Stars.  I may not be living the Life I once EXPECTED to live...but maybe that's because the life I am MEANT to beyond my Sweetest Dreams.

Sweet Dreams, 

"The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations." - Eli Khamarov

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