As I pondered all of the What Ifs in my life, the question lingered - where do I belong? I do believe that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be - of that I am sure. But the unknown still remains - where will I end up?
When that question mark leads to a period punctuation was sort of up to me. While we can all say "what will be, will be"...there's a little more to it. The answer to a question really lies in the in between.
There are a multitude of options in life from which to choose one's path. The scary part is knowing whether or not you're choosing to go down the right one. I'd like to believe that no matter which one I pick, it's one I'm meant to be on. I admit, though, I'm tired of winding down the long road to my destiny. I'd love nothing more than to travel a straight road this time. I've done enough sight-seeing in my life.
Inside me resides a restless spirit. I'm starting to realize this as I consider my Sweet Dream. Am I someone who can't sit still because I crave change? If so, is it because I haven't found my Peaceful Place - or have I just grown so accustomed to change that I don't know anything else?
One thing was clear in the haze of the unknown. Having my Sweet Dream keeps me focused on a particular outcome - which means where and what I choose to do matters more than it ever has before.
One thing was clear in the haze of the unknown. Having my Sweet Dream keeps me focused on a particular outcome - which means where and what I choose to do matters more than it ever has before.
In search of the Equilibrium that would balance the scales of my current life versus my Dream - it's possible that I might need/want to continue in my current field for a certain period of time WHILE I construct my New Life. Whether this idea gave me the freedom to more smoothly transition into my Sweet Dream (financially and otherwise) or if I was just afraid to let go of my past - was, as yet, unclear.
Perhaps a drastic move was necessary. But maybe, just maybe, there was a safer route that would get me to my destination just the same. I didn't yet know what the answer was... but I did know it was time to think long and hard about the in between.
Sometimes even the best recipes need improvisation. The outcome may be something more delicious than any cookbook had in mind.
Sweet Dreams,
"It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny." - Jean Nidetch
A wise man once said "it's just as easy to fall in love with a rich girl as a poor girl". An even wiser man said "don't listen to him, just follow your heart". Your heart will lead the way like a beacon in the night through the misty foggy dark to guide you safely home.