Friday, September 23, 2011

Clean Plate

If my Organization Mode was a blender, I'd be ready to press the Liquify button right about now.  

With Autumn upon us, it was time to say Au Revoir to the Summer and rid myself of anything weighing me down.  I knew crossing over into this new Season was symbolic for me.  

In the summer months, I worked on cleaning out my emotional closet and reorganizing my Life Goals.  A little over three months later and nearly 50 Blog Posts in...I think I've made decent headway.  If I could continue at this pace, my Sweet Dream (or some very close version of it) could actually come true.

Meantime, I was weighing all things equally and planning for any number of scenarios.  One key additive was prepping my bank account by paring down my outstanding bills.  I wanted a Clean Plate financially.  Once I scraped the bottom of my debt, I could begin to fill up my reserves. 

That Debt Freedom would be a great Relief and an Inspiration.    

Speaking of Inspiration, the Architect and I have yet to re-connect.  Differing time zones has proven to be a bit of challenge.  But I was anxious to speak with hopes of constructing the Paper Version of my Sweet Dream in the coming months. 

Sweet Dreams, 

"Life is just a blank slate, what matters most is what you write on it." - Christine Frankland

1 comment:

  1. Financial debt can always be settled. Emotional debt takes far longer to remedy. Inspiration can come from almost any source and tKes different sizes and shapes. To inspire is a dream unto itself.
