Three savory cupcake recipes called my name. Molten Flourless Chocolate, Red Velvet and my Classic Vanilla Rum - all beckoning me to mix them up and divide them into their rounded nooks for Baking.

First up was the Flourless Chocolate. I'd never made this kind before and was feeling a little anxious about getting burned on my premier attempt. Low and behold, the process was flawless!

From the melting of Scharffen Berger Bittersweet Chocolate to the stuffing of that same chocolate down into the soft center of the just-out-of-the-oven cakes. My trusty 'Taster' said they were rich and amazing!

Next came pure decadence in the form of Red Velvet. A slightly more complicated recipe with an even more extraordinary result. These edible mini-cakes are simply put - STUNNING. The color was perfect, the consistency was light and fluffy and the flavor both unique and delicious.
Finally, my signature Vanilla Rum Cupcakes. Easy enough to make and always moist and scrumptious!
It was fun to sample new Recipes. For the faint of heart in the kitchen, this may not be an easy task. But for those of us who aspire to go beyond the culinary norm - this kind of challenge proved intoxicating!
Now, the Frosting and Decorating Extravaganza begins.
Then tomorrow, the Recipes I chose will be judged by the hungry mouths that consume them. I couldn't wait to hear the feedback. If they didn't go over well, I'd have to go back to the Cutting Board, but I was confident there would be a Feeding Frenzy instead.
Sweet Dreams,
"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." - Andre Gide
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