Tuesday, June 21, 2011

No Reservations

With my doubts on the back burner, I followed Steve's advice and made a list of short and long term goals.  This would help keep me on track...by adding a hearty helping of realism to the mix of my otherwise fantastical dream.  I listed time-sensitive goals of precisely what I envisioned achieving in one month, six months, a year, five years from now...and so on.

I had a laundry list of things to do. All of which would be folded and neatly put away according to my time schedule.  If I could just stick to this plan, this thing could actually be SOMEthing.  It was all right there in black and white. When I sat back and examined my Dream Calendar of Things to Do...I suddenly understood that it's actualization all came down to me.  The pressure was on.  But this was a good pressure, that my guru knew would propel me toward my dream.

On the one-month list: (including specific dates for completion)

  • Have a collection of design ideas and a specific list of how I want the Inn & the Bakery to look. (by July 3rd)
  • Have a menu list of items and mock-ups of what I'd serve at the Bakery / including 'Kiddie Corner' weekend events at the Bakery (by June 30)
  • Have a month's worth of blogs written (by July 16)
  • Look for one to three Innkeepers who can mentor me, even if only online (by July 16)
  • Contact a Bakery owner to garner useful information (by July 16)
  • Order and finish reading at least one "How to start a B&B" book (amazon.com) and have started a "How to" Bakery book (by July 16)
  • Start thinking about raising the money and how I can finagle this (sell the house, save, borrow?) (by July 16)
I had less than 30 days to do this all, meaning there was little time to waste.  I was anxious to get cracking...as these first few days had me boiling over with anticipation.  But I had to be mindful of not petering out in the first days and weeks.  Keeping things at a medium heat would allow me to go the distance.  Being the impetuous, passionate gal that I am...THIS would be a challenge.   

Hopefully, writing this blog will keep my feet to the fire, knowing I'm not only accountable to myself, but to you who has done me the honor of coming along for the ride.   So thank you in advance. :)

Sweet Dreams,

P.S. "Doubt can only be removed by action." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


  1. Your dream has the beautiful scent of baked goods ;) Keeping "baking" it up! And you will soon taste the sweet reward.

  2. You are clearly on the right path. I'm loving where this is going.
