Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sweet Spot

Of all of the things we cannot avoid, Tomorrow is at the top of the list.  And one thing is for sure - no matter how much we fret or look forward to it's will come and it will go. 

What a drag and what a relief all at the same time. 

The only thing to do before Tomorrow is to live earnestly...and to look forward optimistically.  Before you know it, Today will be your Yesterday - and all that went into the build-up will be a thing of the past.  

What I love most is that there's always another one in front of you - which means we have chance after chance to re-write history.

So relish the moment with the good things - and take solace in tomorrow's eventual yesterday in the not so good things.  Remembering all the while that it behooves you to Think Positive - knowing that regardless of how stressful a period of time can be - that it, too, shall really pass.  There are no two ways about it.  It's out of your control.

It's that very lack of control - that puts you in the driver's seat when it comes to how you look at things.  Embrace and accept your Tomorrow by finding that Sweet Spot all your own - and your Today will be that much better.

By filling your mind with optimistic thoughts, the future will arrive with much more ease. 

Positive attracts positive.  

So as I take on life's many tasks, I think forward to my Sweet Dream.  Believing that whatever stands between Me and It right only temporary; perhaps even a stepping stone.  If I hold It in my heart and envision it every day - I become It...and It becomes real.

Step by step, breath by breath, tomorrow will come.  I just need to keep treading in the right direction with my Sweet Dream leading the way...serving as my guiding light when life's periphery begins to blur.

Sweet Dreams, 

"Pick the day.  Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes.  People as they come.   The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present, and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future." - Audrey Hepburn

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