I've always been a passionate person. That can be a recipe for disaster as much as it can be a delight. In the grand scheme of things, though, I think it's a good quality to possess.
As it happens, things can get in the way of all of that.
Sometimes, when we are afraid of getting hurt or losing something, walls go up and suddenly that loving nature is doused in something else. It looks a lot like strength or indifference or anger. However it's dished out, it is bitter to the taste.
I've been there.
Thank goodness for my Life Coach, Steve Truitt...who taught me that all of those barriers I built up were only shields designed to protect the scared little girl inside of Me. Each wall that went up - did nothing more than tear down who I actually am. I wasn't being true to Me.
He helped me recognize my Sweet Dream...which helped me get to know Me again. I may not be there yet...but the journey to make it Real...has a destination all it's own. It's these detours in life, that sometimes get us right back on track.
Getting here (and I'm not done yet) - was about deconstructing the barriers and letting go of fear. Understanding that I will be loved whether I am Perfect or not (and trust me, I am not). And most importantly, it was about letting myself be vulnerable - and recognizing when the walls were piling up in time to knock them down. Because when they're up...the Real Me is no where to be found.
Living your life in a loving way that is closest to the You deep down inside - will attract the things that belong in your world. When you wear a different mask, there's no way for the people who belong in your life to recognize you. Instead you'll attract those who don't genuinely belong.
Again, Life is about Love. So give it....all the time. If you don't, those unspoken emotions can cause wires to cross, leaving us feeling forgotten or shut out - when the exact opposite is true.
Say what you Feel and Feel what you say. What's the point of feeling anything, if you keep it to yourself???
Look for that vulnerable child inside and let go of the fear. I've found my little girl again...and I'm never going to let her out of my sight.
Thank you, Steve, for helping me to find her.
Sweet Dreams,
"A loving heart is the truest wisdom." - Charles Dickens
As Ras Al Gul said to Bruce Wayne... "You were my greatest student."
ReplyDelete-Coach Steve