This was one of those Saturdays when all I felt like doing was Loafing around.
But early Thanksgiving with my beloved friends was scheduled for tomorrow, so I had to get on the ball. I had spent the better part of this week prepping and planning every detail.
I'd cooked my first Turkey of the week already and fortunately the new recipe I tried worked out just fine. The skin over-bronzed just a tad, but it had little effect on the taste. Having had a practice run under my apron strings made round number two...a cinch. For now I could rest comfortably knowing that my Bird wouldn't be a Bust.
The process reminded me that no mistake I could have made - couldn't have been fixed the next time around. I realized all the pressure we put on ourselves to be flawless is an absolute waste of time. Because luckily, there are very few things that we can't make right...even if we screw it up the first time or two...or three.
The point is, if you mess up...fess up and do it better down the line. We are all just works in progress; recipes that need the kinks worked out.
The aroma the Bread created sent my mind to another place. Nestled in a cabin on a snowy hilltop, I imagined cuddling beneath a blanket snuggled soundly on a couch. The fireplace roaring, with a mug of Hot Cocoa quilted with a layer of marshmallows in my hands.
Our senses are an incredible thing. They can bring us to an entirely different place...and that can be a beautiful escape.
Sweet Dreams,
"If you have ever made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down." - Mary Pickford
The more you fail the closure you are to realizing your dreams. The Babe Ruths and Michael Jordans struck out more times and missed more shots then they made. Each time you miss the mark on an individual basis the closer you get on the macro. Keep driving this dream and you will be living it as it comes to life