Finally the day my friends and I referred to as Friends-Giving had come. I awakened in the wee hours of that Sunday Morning to heat the oven in preparation for the Main Event.

But it was only just beginning.
Shortly after lighting my Pumpkin scented candles to sweeten the air - my loved ones began filing in - dusting off raindrops as they crossed the threshold into hugs.
The Day's weather was Perfect in it's Imperfection. And the warmth of the Fireplace served as an open invitation to relax and cozy up on the couch.
Each guest arrived with a scrumptious gift in hand. We'd divvied up the side-dish assignments and before too long...the counters and table were overflowing with food and wine. Everything from Butternut Squash and homemade mashed potatoes to Pumpkin Pie and Apple Crisp.
In the flurry of activity that was my House - I looked around the room at all of the smiling faces. Taking each expression and each laugh into my heart like snapshots in time.
We all gave thanks for having one another as presences in our lives. So many far from home, yet together so close at heart.

I was blessed beyond my wildest Sweet Dreams - to be surrounded by so much love. I had no right to want for more.
Not everyone has that luxury. It was my personal Pot of Gold.
Sweet Dreams,
"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." - Thornton Wilder
All I can do is smile! You are gonna get there sweet dreamer.