When this journey first began nearly four and a half months ago, I constructed what I viewed as the Perfect Plan to make my Sweet Dream come true. I made a Laundry List of everything I needed to achieve in order to realize my goal.
At first, I did extraordinarily well in checking items off. After all, I was boiling over with excitement to get the foundation laid. As time moved on, the goals became slightly more challenging. Some financially based...some just matters of the heart.
That's the thing. Not everything in life goes Perfectly as Planned. Sometimes the most Imperfect scenarios are Perfect at their core. The key is to surrender (without giving up) to what the Universe has in store...and keep the faith that things are going just as they should.
Getting from A to Z may not happen alphabetically. That's not the point. The point, instead, is to get from beginning to end in whatever way makes sense to you. And that pattern can change and the end game may morph into something slightly different than how it began. No matter. Just get there. You'll know when you've arrived.
I say all of this because while I've laid the groundwork, I haven't moved forward in a tangible way. But that doesn't mean I haven't made progress. I've made mental progress.
Making big decisions doesn't happen overnight. Taking even bigger risks doesn't come without a cost. That said, I know what's waiting on the other side - and that is my Sweet, Sweet Dream.
So in a way, life is like a Chocolate Souffle. If you know you want it, you'd better call the restaurant in advance or order it right upfront. Because like life, it's the preparation that takes time. Once that's done, the serving part is easy.
Through this fairly new process...I've learned a lot about myself. I know what I want. I know it won't happen Perfectly. and I know there's a lot I still don't know.
But most importantly, I know I won't settle for anything less than what I want and deserve. No matter how easy it is to stick with the Status Quo, life is too short for that.
And my Sweet Dream is simply too delicious...
Sweet Dreams,
"If you'll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives." - Vince Lombardi
Sometimes you don't realize how far you've travelled til someone else provides your gps