Monday, October 3, 2011

Home Feel Ad-Vintage

Locked away in my Designing Mind was a Vintage Entry Closet I'd had my eye on for the past several months.  

Nearly an entire year had passed since I'd spotted this beautiful storage piece - nary a store in the country had it in stock.  I searched high and low - determined to track down the Antiqued Alpine White Locker somewhere...even if I had to pay more than the original asking price.  I never did find it.

Suddenly in the midst of my Autumnal Shedding of Summer Decor, the instinct struck to check online yet again.  After months of Internet hibernation, the Pottery Barn Vintage Locker I'd so desperately sought, appeared!  

The image was there, but beside it rested the words "No longer available".  The fact that the Locker even showed up online at all...gave me hope.  If they were "No longer available"...that means they were available at some point - which was more than I could say for the past year.  

I wasn't giving up.  I called Pottery Barn to hear the words I'd been dying to hear, "Yes, we have it in stock."  I was ELATED!   I had my heart set on this piece for so long, I couldn't seem to give up on the possibility it existed.  Low and behold, it did.  The woman on the phone was beside herself with laughter,  upon hearing the many thanks I bestowed. It would be in my home within two weeks!

I literally danced around my house like a little girl gifted with her first ever Baby Doll.  It was quite the sight.  Never mind though....for I had procured the piece of furniture I'd dreamed of all year.

As silly as all of this sounds, the sheer happiness I felt at locating something I thought would make my house that much more a Home - reminded me of how much this Inn would mean to me.  My Sweet Dream was built on the passion nestled deep down inside of my being...for all things Home.

That cozy feeling of knowing what brings you Joy, no matter what it is - is a Joy and a comfort all unto itself. 

Sweet Dreams, 

"Passion and purpose go hand in hand.  When you discover your purpose, you will normally find it's something you're tremendously passionate about."  - Steve Pavlina

1 comment:

  1. Each room of the inn should reflect a different part of you and your family. There should be something about your ability to touch base safely whenever you go there. Whether it's one piece or a photo or painting or figurine, something should be part of you
