Nothing worth having in this world comes easy. That's what they say. I tend to believe that.
Often what you want - is as much of a surprise to you as it is to anyone else. It comes to you out of no where when you least expect it to appear. Like a shadow around a corner...darkness, until you come face to face in the light.
Once you find have a decision to make. Follow your heart or stay in the Status Quo.
It's a scary thing though. The thought of giving up what you've known your whole life....the YOU you've known your whole life...for something totally new and different. The idea unto itself can be altogether terrifying.
In the words of The Fray, sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. That goes both ways.
In the words of The Fray, sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. That goes both ways.
The daunting What Ifs. What if it all turned out badly? As Steve has told me all along - that What If...should always end with: everything turns out Perfectly?
What if...destiny was knocking at my door? What future was waiting for me to answer? What if my Sweet Dream were sweeter than anything I'd dreamed before.
What if...
Sweet Dreams,
"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it." - W.M. Lewis
Ask why not. Don't ask why. Embrace your dreams. You have just as much right to fulfill your dreams as anyone.