Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Watching the Pot Boil

For every thing that goes smoothly exists an equal and opposite balance.  Tipping the scales today - a handful of return phone calls I have yet to receive.   A game of phone tag or email tag in one case, between myself and the two Innkeepers who have offered to help me, is now well into it's second week.  I couldn't call again or I'd risk alienating them both with my persistence.  

My plan was to book a room at one of their Inns as part of my research.  But I needed to make sure they'd be there to speak make the trip worthwhile.

The Epicurean School of Culinary Arts where I'd be taking my Cupcake Couture class in just over a week also hosted a four-week Cake Decorating Class I desperately wanted to take.  No schedule was listed on their website for that particular class and two phone calls later, no one had responded to my message.  Ugh.  Frustration lightly simmered inside.

Honing my Cake Design skills proved to be an exciting goal to me. For that reason, I wish it would all pan out more quickly.  Patience is not one of my greatest virtues, but every good dough takes time to rise. :)

In the meantime, I'd made some great headway in other areas.  I had secured Domain Names for both the Inn and the Bakery!  The very thought of it consumed me.  I simply couldn't wait to start designing the websites.  For now, however, this would have to sit on the back burner.  I had other, more time-sensitive fish to fry.

I was determined to let the good outweigh the bad, so today I would start making my cupcake prototypes.  I had three flavors to bake - Vanilla Rum (my signature flavor), Flour-less Chocolate and Red Velvet.  The last two, by the way, I've never tried to make.  I would prepare the Cupcakes today and store them in airtight containers - which I'm told will keep them fresh for a couple of days.  There weren't enough hours in the day and if I were going to have these cupcakes ready for Friday, I'd need to get them cooked today.  

Tomorrow was reserved for Decorating - the best part!  I wanted to be sure I left the day open so that my creative juices could flow and I could have some fun designing my Tasty Treats.  

I get an "A" for effort on most of my tasks, but a big, fat "F" when it comes to reading my books.  I've failed miserably at finding the time to tackle them.  OK, Seriously?  How does one set aside minutes or hours to sit and read a book - when there's so much to actually DO?  I had to find a way. 

Sweet Dreams, 

"Failure?  I never encountered it.  All I ever met were temporary setbacks." - Dottie Walters

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