Today proved a Sugar High kind of day. I awakened fully inspired to make things happen. My first order of business was to start thinking up Cupcake Designs. I had some basics in mind, but drew some added ideas from the Internet. The decorating of these delectable miniature cakes seemed like such fun.

I would practice and create my Cupcake Couture later this week prior to entertaining some guests at my home. This was the perfect opportunity to showcase my creativity and skills.
The cupcake flavors would range from Vanilla Rum (my signature favorite), Red Velvet and possibly Flour-less Chocolate. It would be a busy and messy kitchen day...but one I looked forward to, indeed!
To top it all off, I went ahead and finally signed up for a one-day Cupcake Class scheduled two Fridays from now. One small commitment that played a significant role in the Big Picture.
Sweet Dreams,
"When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life." - Greg Anderson
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