Thursday, June 30, 2011

Something's Brewing

This last week or so has been one of the most calming, productive weeks in terms of “me” I’ve had in some time.  My dreams now in full bloom, I’ve been focused on a singular goal.  But something’s come up that has me asking the question:  what happens when an ingredient you hadn’t planned on adding suddenly shows up on your plate?   How do you keep the original recipe in tact? 

A romantic at heart, my entire life has revolved around love.  Finding it, delighting in it, nourishing it.  But somehow in the long term I’ve had a hard time keeping it.   Obviously, I’ve been doing something wrong – which is precisely why this blueprint to my dream is so important to follow. 

Recently, I met someone that I really like.  It is ridiculously early to wonder where it’s headed.  it may go absolutely no where…that remains to be seen.  However, it forced me to consider the bigger picture and the consequences of my dream.  The key to my happy future relied upon me opening the door to possibility in it’s many forms.    In my mind’s eye, my dream plays out close to my family – for it is they who give me some of the greatest joy.  Yet, romantic love is something I crave and something that also satiates my soul with happiness and peace.

So, yes, I met a great guy who has me thinking of the unplanned in the grand scheme of things.  What if…what if…there’s a future here (whether it be with him, or someone else down the line)?  Would the proverbial “he” be willing to follow me on my yellow brick road?  I don’t know that the answer would be yes…based solely on his line of work.  In fact, I’m quite sure it would be nearly impossible. 

I didn’t know what that meant for my plan.  If I see where this goes and fall in love….do I need to forsake a portion of my dream – which is to be close to my family? I was concerned about taking a detour off course.  my life coach, Steve truitt, had warned me to stick to the map I’d charted for myself or risk losing track of my dream.  But what if that detour is just the right ingredient that was missing all along?

I’m not going to pretend to know the answer…I don’t have one today…and probably won’t for a while.  My hope is that while keeping my aspirations on course, life will take me exactly where I need to go.

Sweet Dreams,

"It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."  - James Thurber

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog! You write with such cleverness, but at the same time with clarity. You are focused. And your search resonates with me! Keep it coming!!! Xo
