Friday, June 24, 2011

A side of love: Note from the Little Sis

Hi! I am the Sweet Dreamer's little sister and her biggest fan.  As I read this blog I find myself filled with excitement, inspiration, love and admiration. Most of all, I feel the overwhelming vibe of possibility. There is nothing more exciting then coming to the realization that you really can do anything you set your mind to. Why try to make dreams come true? Why not is the true question.There is absolutely no reason I can come up with!

If anyone in this world can make a dream come true, it’s my big sister. From early childhood I’ve sat beside her, looking up to her (literally and figuratively), watching her work harder then anyone I knew, to turn her dreams into reality. I really don’t ever remember her not achieving a goal that she’s had. Wow, that is something to watch and admire….take it form me.

So cancel those reservations Big Sister, because your dreams are about to begin. And continue with your honesty as you tackle those spills and spoils. There is nothing more refreshing or reassuring to us readers then knowing that we’re not alone. Everyone has the same fears as they take on the unknown and it’s nice that someone is willing to talk about it.  The fact that on day two you were having doubts is a reality for most people that they just don’t talk about. Your friends, loved ones and followers will want to see how you get through it, in hopes that it will help them in their daily lives somehow.

Stay excited, and stay focused because IT IS exciting!

Little Sister

1 comment:

  1. To realize your dreams you need a support group that believes in you unconditionally.
