Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Extended Stay

Waiting for things to fall into place can certainly lead to agita.  It's that pit in your belly feeling - while you try your darndest to swallow the fear and exercise patience instead.

The Unknown inspires strife...the kind that makes your stomach turn.  Nothing settles it quite like a healthy scoop of Faith.  Faith that everything will turn out exactly as it should; that all things leading to my Sweet Dream would stay in tact.  But that kind of trust can be a tall order at times.

For the last several months, my Fate was unresolved.  Life seemed like a big, messy kitchen - scattered with dirty pots and pans...and crumbs that led to no where.  It was all I could do to keep it together.

Ever the Planner, the not knowing what came next proved the most distasteful part.  Even knowing that what I'd hoped for may NOT work out...would have been a more palatable thing.  At the very least, I could fold up my clothes, get packing and move on to the next.  I would have a direction.

Instead I was in a professional purgatory.  Here's what I tried to remember though:  We don't always get what we think we want, but we do always get what we need in spite of ourselves.  That is a fact.  Ask around...talk to those who've taken a hit or two.  You'll be surprised how often things worked out for the best for them, despite the upset in between. 

Remember, we are exactly where we are meant to be.

So I kept busy and filled my life with positive things, knowing that no matter what, I would be okay.  Rather than wallowing in my fear, I chose to do the things I love.  I cooked, I re-decorated a bit...I entertained to my heart's content.  Until finally, my kitchen was clean; pots and pans put away, and the crumbs leading to no where suddenly formed a solid line.

I knew where I was going...which meant I wasn't going anywhere.  I was staying put.  At last, I breathed a sigh of relief - knowing that my path is now clear of unnecessary debris.  It was up to me now, to forge a new one - as I map the future of my Sweet Dream. 

Sweet Dreams,

"It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there's nothing you can do about them.  And if you can control them, then what is there to worry about?" - Wayne Dyer

1 comment:

  1. Well said! And great news... would love to catch up you soon :)
