Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lemons Into Lemonade

When Life's Recipe fails to go exactly as you'd planned - you may get whipped into a frenzy.  Expectations prove tricky that way.  So often, we are left feeling disappointed or disillusioned by whatever errant ingredient made its way into the mix.

These twists and turns are all part of the learning curve...about Ourselves.  It's not so much what happens in the kitchen; but more so - how we respond to those things.  

For every unexpected event I've faced lately - I've taken the opportunity to keep things in line.  Rather than scrambling to fix things...I instead, let them simmer.  All the while - studying Myself...to figure out what makes me tick...and more importantly Why.

Believe me, I know it's easy to let insecurities eat away at you...but that's precisely where things can go south.  

In a recent episode of my own, I decided to turn lemons into lemonade.  Rather than focusing on what was going Wrong...I distracted myself with all of the things that were going so Right.  First, I had to remember that nothing really goes wrong...even when it seems to be.  All that's happening is that we are being reared towards all things Right - no matter how much we like to resist.  

Second, I spent time preparing myself in the best possible way - for the unknown things about to enter my life.  I worked to be my Best Self...even when I felt a little insecure.  I realized that prior to now, I had put that mission on the Back Burner.  It had become the Side Dish to a Main Dish that wasn't my own.

Giving is a must - and it's a beautiful thing.  But we mustn't allow ourselves to get lost in the mix. 

By focusing my energy back on Me...my sudden insecurities evaporated.   Most importantly, though, it served as a reminder to not get so enmeshed in Another...that we forget to take care of Self. 

Sweet Dreams, 

"When you respond to life, that's positive; when you react to life, that's negative." - Zig Ziglar

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