Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tiny Angels

An Army of Angels walked in before you...

That's what she said to me.  I'm not sure what to call her, but I'll refer to her as an Energy Healer.  

An Army of Angels.  At once, my eyes welled up with tears and my throat tightened as the emotions coursed through my being.  Never had I felt so protected and so utterly loved in one fell swoop. 

She described them as Sparkles that appeared before I even arrived at her door.  It was rare, she said.  So rare she could hardly wait to see who walked over her threshold.  But it was just me...

Now, you may not buy into this stuff...but for those who have that faith - it was an incredible experience.  She rattled off things about me...intimate things.  Not the fortune teller kind, but details of my spirit and the things that hold me back.

She referred to Them as "They".  I'm not sure who  They were, but as she stared off to the right - not even looking me in the eye - it were as though she was viewing images on a screen. They  were speaking to her; showing her Snapshots of my Life which she relayed to me as they appeared one by one.

My Energy was beautiful, she remarked, as she waved her spiritually gifted hands over my body. It's special she said; you have a Power that you are stifling in order to please others.  You need to release your Power and stop compromising it to fit in with the rest.  Don't be afraid of it.  Be it, she insisted.

I don't mean to sound vain - I promise you, this is honestly what she said.  And I was deeply flattered; as I tried to embrace what she went on to say.

Ask the Universe what you need to do to live your Sweet Dream.  Tell It what you want, not what you don't want, she urged.   I would take heed.

But I couldn't get the Angels out of my mind.  I was blessed with this blanket of Tiny Guardians who surround me wherever I go.  And suddenly, I realized no matter how down or lonely or afraid I may feel at any given time...I am safe, enveloped by these heavenly Sparkles of Light. 

I felt so overwhelmed with peace and love...and my soul breathed a sigh of relief.

There's much more to tell of this extraordinary experience, but until I can process it all...I'll leave it here for today.  

In the meantime, I hope you, too, have Angels in your midst...

Sweet Dreams,

" Make yourself familiar with angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for, without being seen, they are present with you." - St. Francis of Sales

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