Thursday, March 1, 2012

No Shortening Needed

There are days when I hear nothing but a cacophony of No's; when the symphony of my Life is way out of tune.  So much so, I'm tempted to press Mute and give up.

It's that feeling of being Stuck like a cake in a pan with no Shortening.  While my Sweet Dream plays harmoniously in my head - in the Real World I'm in a proverbial fermata.   

There remain unrequited questions on the table and practical issues that need to be addressed. I am for all intents and purposes...At a Standstill.  A feeling of impatience persists (this is my nature to be sure); wanting to get from Now  to Then  immediately, if not sooner

But if the Universe is at work, as it is always is, then this is not an Impasse; but rather a Detour.  So rather than seeing a Dead End, I realize this may be an opportunity to reconsider my route

Whether or not I reach this goal of of smaller consequence than the journey I take in getting there.  These momentary lapses where nary a green light is in sight - force me to slow down and enjoy the scenery.  And sometimes the greatest view is from the Outside looking In.

Stopping to look inside myself; seeing what more I need to do.  When working on thing remains constant:  the work is never done.  

So rather than trying to avoid the speed bumps, I'm choosing to surrender to them one by one.  Braking just enough to get up and over - without being jolted from my seat.  

It's the Universe's way of driving me toward my eventual fate.  I'm just buckling up for the ride.

Sweet Dreams, 

"Every event in life can be causing only one of two things.  Either it is good for you, or it is bringing up what you need to look at in order to create good for you." - Deepak Chopra

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