It's Thanksgiving Eve. And I am grateful.
As I write tonight, I am listening to the late Jeff Buckley sing "Hallelujah". Could this moment be any more Perfect...?
In what serves as my Reality right now...all is Perfect, just as it should be. All is right in the world.
Even in what I'm lacking, I am blessed. What my life is not ready for - the Universe will not hand me.
For all I am denied...and every morsel of self-restraint that denial takes - I know in my heart this is where I'm meant to be. Sometimes what we want the most is what we must resist. Until the time is right...or it will forever be wrong.
And for that wisdom, I am thankful.
In as much as one can have hardship, I've had my share. But in the end, it's led me Here. To exactly where I am at this precise time. Would I have met the people I've met, had I not traveled this path? Would I be who I am had I not climbed uphill? Would I know what love feels like had I not lost in gambles of the heart? Would I even know the flavor of my Sweet Dream...had I not had the unenviable task of tasting the Bitter?
Again, the answer is No.
I am grateful. To know what I know. And to know there is a lot I still don't know.
And so, I accept my fate with open arms - the kind you greet a long lost loved one with.
The weight that kind of acceptance takes off my shoulders is inexplicable. Without the burden of wondering how I can maneuver my life into what I wish it to be...I am at the mercy of the Universe. What a humbling feeling that is. Yet...I am overcome with a sense of absolute freedom. I am not giving up. Quite the contrary, in fact. Instead, I am giving in.
There is a certain Powerfulness in surrendering control. That may sound like an oxymoron, but it's not. Make no mistake, choosing to open your heart to a very Powerful thing.
There is a certain Powerfulness in surrendering control. That may sound like an oxymoron, but it's not. Make no mistake, choosing to open your heart to a very Powerful thing.
And that's a good thing...because my heart is as open as it can be.
Sweet Dreams,
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust
You have taken all the right steps to let success walk into your life. Your dream is coming true