And nothing tactile elicits those feelings associated with Autumn better than the sight or scent of big, beautiful Pumpkins to spice up any Home, inside or out. Whether it be to fashion one into a Jack-o-Lantern or to gut it for a delicious Pumpkin Pie.
I would be doing both.
On one of our now famous Wine & Cheese nights, my girlfriends and I supplied the Orange globes and decorative paints. A glass or two in...our seasonal senses hit us and we began to decorate.

I was anxious to get to baking. The Autumnal Aroma of homemade Pumpkin Tart would be wafting through my cozy home any day now.

Sweet Dreams,
"Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way." - Les Brown
The infamous black pumpkin. You can market those in the goth section of your inn bakery. Use the support and encouragement of your friends to keep you on this path when the other temptations push you off course.