It's simply the way the Universe works. Pay attention and you'll see.
The ebb and flow of it all can be hard to stomach though. It takes unfettered faith to just Let Go and allow Fate to take the wheel. We can try to steer it all we want - but in the end, Destiny's map is already drawn.
The quandary is how much of our Destiny can we control...if we can control anything at all? And even if we do control certain things...was that charted on Our Map anyway?
If only Fate was right there inside my Kitchen Cupboard. I'd lay everything that was inside - out on the counter - for I know precisely which ingredients I would include.
But it's not. So in the meantime, while destiny runs its course...I'll keep on cooking to my heart's delight...trying not to get burned in the process.
Bottom line, it comes down to preparation and common sense. So, on go the Oven Mitts of Life.
Eventually I'll have all the right ingredients and my Perfect Recipe will come to be.
Sweet Dreams,
"Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him." - Henry Miller
You already have all the ingredients at your fingertips. You just need to let the elements combine and you will have th most tasty and fulfilling experience.