Monday, August 22, 2011

Baking Headway

With a handful of Laundry List Items still flailing in the wind...I finally managed to take some forward steps.  I reached out to the other Baker friend of mine named Rachel.  We'd met more than a year ago when she offered to help me advance my Baking Skills.  It was time to take her up on that offer.  

In lieu of signing up for a multi-class Cake Decorating program, I decided to ask her if she'd be willing to give me private Decorating lessons at my home.  She happily agreed!  We decided to make it happen in the next two to three weeks.  Great!  One item (almost) down!

Next on the agenda:  speaking with a representative of PAII (Professional Association of Innkeepers International) once and for all.  Isabel from PAII and I had been playing phone tag for weeks but today we finally had the opportunity to speak.  

She told me all about the organization and the value of being a member.  I could network with Innkeepers for information and advice and I'd receive tons of material, including books, to educate me on the Innkeeping world.  Plus, they provided webinars (seminars via the web) on a monthly basis on everything from price-pointing your Inn to how to maximize your marketing potential on smart phones.  I joined!  I was now officially what's called an Aspiring Gold Member.  Let the learning begin.

The third biggie on my list was seeking out an Architect.  I wasn't sure I could yet afford to hire one to design my  Imaginary Inn, but I was dying to do so.  The mere thought of seeing my Dream drawn out in Black and White got me excited beyond words.  The goal in talking to an Architect now was to brace myself for whatever financial impact this might have on me.  Once I knew how much a design might cost, I could approximate when I'd be able to commission an architect to draw up the Blueprint of my Sweet Dream.

Sweet Dreams, 

"That is what we are supposed to do when we are at our best - make it all up - but make it up so truly that later it will happen that way." - Ernest Hemingway

1 comment:

  1. It's like you got your union card. This will be your inn social network. Time to network.
